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Our Services

Customized Training

These Training Courses are Customized According to the clients Training needs. We can help customers by designing training courses that meet their specific needs. We can provide qualified trainers from Jordan or any other country.

In house Training

Training courses conducted at your premises on dates of your training objectives. The benefits of in-house training:

  • Customization to suit training objectives
  • Cost Effective
  • Enhance Team Dynamics
  • Experienced facilitators with relevant industry experience
  • Flexible scheduling
  • On Site Practical Sessions

Certified Training programs

These Training Courses are Mainly Delivered to employees who want to develop their career and to be distinguished from other. They need to demonstrate their abilities and get accredited by a third party. For those professionals who want to invest in them selves we have introduction the following accreditation programs.


DAR AMMAN ACADEMY is specialized in Training Customization and related consultation services. You are welcome to contact us for any IT or Maintenance consulting.